Morgan Skinner FM Translator Donation Erased


An “assignment amendment withdrawal” has been filed with the FCC that effectively unwinds the donation by Morgan Skinner, head of Rockwell Media Services, of a FM translator that was to be gifted to Summit Media Inc.  

Why? A woman engaged in a long-standing spat with Skinner tells RBR+TVBR that the ownership of the FM translator was tied to another party not mentioned in the asset transfer paperwork submitted with the Commission.

On August 1, a withdrawal request was filed with the FCC as it pertains to the plan to shift ownership of K246BK at 97.1 in Moapa, Nev., from the Legacy Preservation Foundation.

This entity is associated with Skinner and an individual named Lavon Randall. And, the August 1 filing simply states that “the parties have mutually agreed” to withdraw the FCC assignment application at this time.

However, RBR+TVBR has learned that the reason for this move is because Legacy Preservation Foundation isn’t the true owner of K246BK.

According to Amy Meredith, ex-wife of Scott Powell. A decade ago, Meredith’s Powell Meredith Communications had a business relationship with Skinner and attorney John Christian Barlow.

In spring 2016, Meredith told the FCC’s Media Bureau that Rockwell Media Services, associated with Skinner, and Barlow illegally transferred five FM translators from Powell Meredith to a third party. As she saw it, the FCC’s former CDBS was hacked by these individuals.

Fast-forward to today. Meredith claims that Barlow and he alone is the K246BK owner through Community Education Foundation. As such, Skinner and Randall through Legacy had no business donating it, as there was never a legal transfer of the translator station to another entity.



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