Whitelisting Information for the RBR/TVBR newsletter…
Increasingly, companies are using filtering systems to keep unwanted “spam” out of your email in-box. But sometimes, they accidentally filter emails that you want to receive. To make sure you receive our newsletters here’s how you can add us as a trusted sender in your email application. This is sometimes referred to as “whitelisting”.
For your corporate IT department:
Forward this page or print it out and give it to your IT person or the person that manages your work computer.
Newsletter email address: [email protected]
IP Address to add:
For personal email accounts:
For users of these service providers below, do the following to whitelist [email protected] so you don’t miss an issue.
From your Verizon Inbox, click Options. Select the Block Senders tab. Then you’ll see a Safe List. There will be a space next to the statement, “Enter e-mail address or sub domain to always accept even if the domain is blocked”.
Open your email message and click the Add to Address Book button to the right of our name. Verify the contact details, and click Add to Address Book.
Open your email message and click Save Address in the toolbar. Verify our contact details and click OK.
Outlook/Outlook Express
Open the email and right-click our email address and click Add to Contacts. Then click Save and Close.
AOL WebMail
Open your email message and click on our email address. Click Add to Address Book, then click Save.
Open your email message and click Add to Address Book in the email header. Verify our contact details and click Save.
Open your email message and click Contacts on the left margin. Add the above Actual email address where you see “Primary Email”