Looking for a quick fix for “Presentation Hell,” or perhaps a remedy for “Death by PowerPoint?” Public speaking coach and veteran public relations executive Rosemary Ravinal offers three “quick fix” steps one may consider when seeking to deliver a killer presentation free of boredom or attention deficits.
By Rosemary Ravinal
It’s common at all levels of a company, among novice and experienced presenters alike: How do I offer an intriguing and captivating presentation free of losing the audience within minutes of delivering it?
There are ways to combat this issue. And, I believe there are three “quick fix” steps that one may wish to take into consideration.
1. Put your audience first. Abraham Lincoln said that when he prepared a speech, he spent 2/3 of the time thinking about what they want to hear and 1/3 thinking about what he wanted to say. Hence the Gettysburg Address. So, think of your audience as individuals waiting to have a conversation with you. They want to be informed, motivated, inspired, transformed, comforted or just have their own ideas confirmed.
2. Remember that your audience is the hero of your presentation. Your audience determines whether your ideas spread or die. They can be suppliers of resources to make your ideas happen and persuade others to your way of thinking. They can also generate ideas that make your idea all the better.
3. Understand your audience’s pain points. What motivates them? What will move them to success? Take time to get to know them as people. What resonates with them? Why are they here? Do they want to be here or are they obligated to attend? What keeps them up at night? How can you solve their problems?
Simply stated, give them what they asked for. Stay on topic and be concise when you create your presentation. Then you will have mastered the “quick fix for presentation hell” and be on your way to Presentation Bliss.
The companion video below offers a 90-second summation of these tips!
Contact Rosemary Ravinal for details on public speaking training programs or one-on-one coaching services in any of the following areas, in both English and Spanish:
- Public Speaking
- Media Readiness
- Presentation Skills