Dynamic Pricing is also a key subject up for discussion during a November 3 webinar for broadcast sales professionals hosted by Marketron.
The session aims to explain to broadcast sales professionals how they can leverage the power of yield management and dynamic pricing to increase revenue.
Titled “Yield Management in Broadcast Sales: Why It’s a Powerful Tool,” the webinar begins at 2pm Eastern. An overview of yield management will then turn to a discussion of just how integrating dynamic pricing into the sales process can help drive greater success and profitability.
“Because commercial inventory is a fixed and time-limited resource, it is vital to sell as much as possible at the best rate possible,” said Todd Kalman, Marketron’s SVP of Sales. “Yield management simplifies this task, making it easy for sales managers to price inventory dynamically based on demand. It’s a must in today’s competitive advertising marketplace.”
Adam Lang, founder and CEO of Relativity Consulting Pty. Ltd., will present the webinar.
Registration is open now: