The InFOCUS Podcast: Zack Zalon, Super Hi-Fi


How AI can aid audio content creation and distribution companies is a topic that is hotter than ever, thanks to ChatGPT and a variety of new products for radio and podcasters that automates perhaps mundane human tasks. For Super Hi-Fi‘s Los Angeles-based co-founder and CEO Zack Zalon, partnerships with ElevenLabs make AI “an automation layer” that in some respects still requires a human.

That said, AI-powered products from Super Hi-Fi offer the promise of accomplishing “anything a radio producer can do,” and personalized radio “with the likeness of voice talents” in a segment of the industry Zalon says is shrinking.

For more on what Super Hi-Fi is bringing to radio, and how it isn’t a job killer but efficiency opportunity to AMs and FMs, click below to enjoy this fresh InFOCUS Podcast, presented by dot.FM and hosted by RBR+TVBR Editor-in-Chief Adam R Jacobson.

Listen to “The InFOCUS Podcast: Zach Zalon, Super Hi-Fi” on Spreaker.