The InFOCUS Podcast: Jessica Rosenworcel


The reclassification of broadband under Title II is one of the divisive FCC regulatory policy matters of the last decade. It was authorized under the leadership of former Chairman Tom Wheeler, and later erased by ex-Chairman Ajit Pai.

On Tuesday, empowered with an all-important third Democratic vote, Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel revealed that she’s introducing a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking that is being circulated among the Commissioners for consideration. This would open up for public input whether or not “net neutrality” is something the Commission should bring back.

Rosenworcel formally announced the NPRM at a National Press Club event. This InFOCUS Podcast, presented by dot.FMoffers comments directly from Rosenworcel on the plan to make “net neutrality” happen once again.


Following Rosenworcel’s comments, which you can hear in the Spreaker player below or the RBR+TVBR website’s embedded player on top of this page, House Energy and Commerce Committee Ranking Member Frank Pallone Jr. (D-N.J.) and Communications and Technology Subcommittee Ranking Member Doris Matsui (D-Calif.) cheered the news that a proposed NPRM on “net neutrality” returning is in the works.

In a joint statement, the Democrats said, ““Now that the FCC has a full complement of commissioners, we are thrilled that Chairwoman Rosenworcel is acting decisively to protect the free and open internet for all Americans. We applaud how quickly and assertively she is acting to reflect the reality that broadband internet service is an indispensable part of American life, and it must be treated that way. Title II reclassification asserts the FCC’s authority over broadband providers to protect consumers from unreasonable and unjust practices. This action will allow the agency to protect network resiliency and national security, ensure reliable service quality, expand internet access, and combat anti-competitive practices. It will also finally allow the FCC to address the tens of thousands of consumer complaints it receives about internet service providers each year … we urge all of the Commissioners to support reestablishing the agency’s authority over broadband internet service. The FCC needs this authority to effectively protect consumers, promote affordable access to the internet, enhance public safety and take other important steps to benefit the American people.”

Listen to “The InFOCUS Podcast: Jessica Rosenworcel” on Spreaker.