The InFOCUS Podcast: Cannabis Advertising and Broadcast Media


The U.S. House of Representatives on Wednesday approved an appropriations bill that includes language that would prevent the FCC from taking administrative action against a radio or television licensee that accepts cannabis advertising — consistent with the laws of the state or local jurisdiction in which the station is licensed.

What does this mean for broadcast media? RBR+TVBR Editor-in-Chief Adam R Jacobson spoke with Melodie Virtue, co-chair of Foster Garvey‘s Communications, Telecom & Media group and Fletcher Heald & Hildreth Managing Partner Francisco Montero to get a complete understanding of what lies ahead for radio and TV ad sales pros.

Melodie Virtue
Melodie Virtue
Francisco Montero
Francisco Montero






Hear what they have to say in this InFOCUS Podcast, presented by dot.FM. logo


Listen to “The InFOCUS Podcast: Cannabis Advertising and Broadcast Media” on Spreaker.