Telos Alliance Rolls Out Two New Axia Products


Telos Alliance, the Cleveland-headquartered broadcast audio company, is rolling out a pair of new products from its Axia line of AoIP studio consoles and accessories. One is the successor to the long-running QOR.32 engine, while the other is designed to complement the Axia xNode family of products.

StudioCore will initially serve as a brand-new console engine for Axia iQ, Radius, RAQ, and DESQ surfaces. It maintains the proven twenty-four-channel mixing engine from QOR.32 as well as an internal power supply and 5-port Ethernet switch, but adds an eight-channel monitor matrix system and offers a Livewire+ AES67 stream capacity of thirty-two inputs and thirty-two outputs.

StudioEdge is a high-density I/O device that can be used as an all-in-one I/O solution in control rooms of any size, or as an ingest station or routing and monitoring solution in TOCs and machine rooms.

StudioCore and StudioEdge are built on a common 2RU fanless hardware platform that includes an integrated 5-port Ethernet switch with PoE, and a 5” color IPS LCD touchscreen display for complete local control of routing, I/O, and audio levels.

I/O includes four selectable mic/line inputs, eight dedicated line inputs and outputs, and three digital inputs and outputs that are user-configurable as AES/EBU, S/PDIF, and USB Audio (which eliminates the need for an IP driver for stereo applications), two headphone outputs with independent DACs and built-in amplifiers, a built-in audio file player via USB data port, and four GPI/O ports. A second internal power supply is optionally available.

“StudioCore is really an all-in-one platform for the broadcast studio, packing a very high-quality audio I/O endpoint, an AoIP switch, and a console mixing engine into a single 2RU fanless chassis; just add a control surface and playout computer, and you have a complete studio solution,” said Luca LaRosa, Telos Alliance Senior Project Manager. “Both StudioCore and StudioEdge provide the flexible architecture our customers have been asking for, with features like an I/O expansion slot, USB Audio I/O, two powerful headphone amps, and a built-in USB file player.”

StudioCore and StudioEdge are expected to be available from September 2024.