Nielsen ranks top digital destinations of 2011


As 2011 comes to a close, Nielsen reviewed the top online destinations, social media sites, and smartphone devices. Google was the most-visited U.S. Web brand, while Facebook held its lead among social networks and blogs. Smartphones were popular in 2011, making up the majority of new phone purchases with Apple as the top smartphone manufacturer and Android as the leading operating system.

Top 10 U.S. Web Brands in 2011
Rank Web Brand Avg # of Unique Visitors (000)
per month
1 Google 153,441
2 Facebook 137,644
3 Yahoo! 130,121
4 MSN/WindowsLive/Bing 115,890
5 YouTube 106,692
6 Microsoft 83,691
7 AOL Media Network 74,633
8 Wikipedia 62,097
9 Apple 61,608
10 Ask Search Network 60,552
Source: Nielsen


Data from January – October 2011, Home and Work Computers. Ranked on average monthly unique audience.

Read as: During 2011, 153.4 million U.S. people, on average, visited Google sites from home and work computers

Top 10 U.S. Social Networks & Blogs
Rank Web Brand Avg # of Unique Visitors (000)
per month
1 Facebook 137,644
2 Blogger 45,712
3 23,574
4 20,357
5 17,935
6 LinkedIn 17,020
7 Tumblr 10,879
8 Google+ 8,207
9 Yahoo! Pulse 8,063
10 Six Apart TypePad 7,793
Source: Nielsen


Data from January – October 2011, Home and Work Computers. Ranked on average monthly unique audience.

Read as: During 2011, 137.6 million U.S. people, on average, visited Facebook from home and work computers

Top 10 U.S. Online Destinations for Video
Rank Web Brand Avg # of Unique Video Viewers
per month
1 YouTube 111,152
2 VEVO 34,580
3 Facebook 29,802
4 Yahoo! 25,324
5 MSN/WindowsLive/Bing 16,563
6 AOL Media Network 13,327
7 Hulu 13,159
8 The CollegeHumor Network 12,496
9 CNN Digital Network 8,262
10 Netflix 7,418
Source: Nielsen


Data from January – October 2011, Home and Work Computers. Ranked on average monthly unique viewers.

Read as: During 2011, 111.2 million U.S. people, on average, watched video content on YouTube from home and work computers

Top 5 Smartphone Device Manufacturers
Rank Manufacturer Market Share
1 Apple 29%
2 HTC 21%
3 RIM BlackBerry 17%
4 Samsung 11%
5 Motorola 11%
Source: Nielsen


Data from August – October 2011.

Read as: 29 percent of mobile phone users who recently purchased a new smartphone bought an Apple device