iBiquity Digital urges FCC to immediately allow FM power increase


iBiquity is again asking the FCC to immediately allow broadcasters to increase the power for FM HD Radio transmissions tenfold (a 10 dB increase–to 10 percent of a station’s authorized analog power), with an intermediate increase of 6 dB (fourfold). iBiquity has the support of some 18 owners and four transmitter makers. The FCC may or may not act until NPR Labs completes a follow up study (which does not assume all FM stations are airing HD like the first study) on the proposed increase.

In its 7/6 filing in response to the FCC Media Bureau’s request for public comments (MM Docket No. 99-325), iBiquity stated:
“The current power level represents an unnecessarily conservative power limitation, which is having the unintended consequence of delaying the broader adoption of HD Radio technology thereby having a detrimental impact on the existing commercial FM radio industry…. iBiquity Digital Corporation urges the Commission to authorize an intermediate power increase of 6 dB and work toward authorization of a full 10 dB.”

“iBiquity believes a power increase will enable broadcasters to bring the full benefit of HD Radio technology to the largest possible audience while maintaining the integrity of existing analog FM signals. [The Company] urges the Commission to grant expeditiously the request of [various broadcasters and transmitter manufacturers].” 

“iBiquity and Greater Media recently conducted tests in the Boston market to analyze the potential benefits of a 6 dB power increase. Those results are included with Greater Media’s comments in the proceeding. Those tests demonstrate the 6 dB increase in power provides FM broadcasters with a significant improvement in coverage that comes much closer [than the current digital signal] to replicating analog coverage for [personal portable product] users.  Therefore, the Commission can conclude there is value to an intermediate increase to help support the imminent introduction of new [hand held] digital products this fall.”

Click the pdf link in the attachment box to the right.

See additional filings:
Entravision–10 db is too much; wait for NPR study to be completed:


Joint commenters (broadcasters and manufacturers)–Pro:

NPR—10 db is too much; wait for their study to be completed as well: