The NAB Show is accepting entries for the newly launched Excellence in Sustainability Awards. The awards recognize individuals, companies and products for outstanding innovations in media technology that promote conservation and reusability of natural resources and foster economic and social development.
As previously announced, the Excellence in Sustainability Awards will include the following categories of excellence:
- The Sustainability Champion Award — Honoring individuals who demonstrate a passion in influencing their team or organization to achieve a more sustainable pathway.
- The Sustainability Leadership Award — Honoring organizations that have launched or completed sustainability initiatives.
- The Sustainability Product or Service Award — Honoring products or services that significantly improve sustainability or provide sustainable market alternatives that addresses a critical environmental challenge. Products/Services must be available in 2023.
The deadline for entry submissions is April 3.
NAB Show will accept nominations from businesses of all sizes, locations and maturity, including non-profit organizations. Judged by an independent panel of sustainability experts, award winners will be chosen in each category, one each for small, medium, large and non-profit organizations.
The NAB Show Excellence in Sustainability Awards will be presented during a special ceremony on the Main Stage at NAB Show on April 16 in Las Vegas.
The awards program is supported by AWS.
For more information and to enter, click here.