A ‘Switchless Switch’ From Dielectric


Introducing a third new product from Dielectric ahead of the NAB Show in two weeks. This offering, the Sinclair Broadcast Group-owned company shares, “reimagines” the RF filter topology as an analysis and troubleshooting point for TV and FM radio engineers.

Now available for consumers is the Advanced Filter Topology product from Dielectric. The offering allowings broadcasters to proof feeds within the filter as they exit the transmitter and approach the RF load or the antenna.

Designed primary for low-power broadcasters, the new product can eliminate the traditional RF switch and other interconnections between the filter and transmitter. This “switchless switch” approach creates a single unit.

“The LPTV repack phase gave us a new perspective on the challenges that low-power broadcasters face with the footprint, costs and maintenance of their RF systems,” said Cory Edwards, Southeast Asia Sales and OEM Manager for Dielectric. “We heard from many of our customers that a single solution to send TV and FM feeds directly into the antenna and dummy load would make their lives easier. We began developing a solution that would meet this demand.”

As Dielectric sees it, the RF switch, required in most higher power systems, brings value when proofing the transmitter. If a problem with the transmitter and/or feed is detected, the RF switch allows the engineer to troubleshoot and take quick, decisive action. Edwards said, “The absence of a coaxial or waveguide switch means that the broadcaster cannot isolate the load and determine the problem. Our advanced filter topology builds these capabilities into the filter design. Even without a dedicated RF switch, the broadcaster can now isolate the load and pinpoint whether the problem is in the transmitter, the transmission line or the antenna.”

In addition to Dielectric’s demonstration of the technology at its NAB Show 2023 booth (W3601), Dielectric Electrical Engineer Anthony Traviglini will present a paper on the topic as part of the Broadcast Engineering and IT Conference. Traviglini’s presentation, Utilizing Advanced Filter Topology as Your New Switch, takes place Tuesday, April 18 in 10:40am in Rooms W216-218 at NAB Show 2023.