Cloud-Native Automation, AOIP: Combined For Radio


A recent partnership between Wheatstone and Radio.Cloud has brought to market what is being herald as the industry’s first fully integrated cloud environment combining program automation with AoIP control and routing.

“Together, the two offer a platform that integrates native AoIP with cloud-native automation for a large installed base of Wheatstone studios around the globe,” the companies say.

Wheatstone brings its WheatNet-IP audio network to the partnership.

WheatNet-IP is described as “a large ecosystem of AoIP studio elements and third-party technology partners, from consoles and virtual interfaces to routable audio codecs, EQ dynamics, mixing, stream provisioning, scripting tools and more.”

Radio.Cloud contributes its browser-based Live Studio and cloud-native automation system.

By integrating Radio.Cloud’s Live Studio software with WheatNet-IP AoIP control and routing, broadcasters can control automation and studio functions (manipulating faders and other console controls) from either the Radio.Cloud interface or WheatNet-IP control surfaces. This means users will get a response either in the browser with a virtual console such as the Glass LXE and Remote LXE, or on the hardware itself, the companies say.

Christian Brenner, CEO and Founder of Radio.Cloud, notes, “Radio.Cloud is fully dedicated to a cloud-native operation, but there are many cases where a hybrid model makes absolute sense. Wheatstone is an ideal partner for us because Radio.Cloud can now perfectly communicate with the on-prem hardware. “They have one of the largest installed bases of AoIP systems in the industry.”

Wheatstone Technology Manager Dominic Giambo added, “Partnering with Radio.Cloud extends the reach and capability of our AoIP network for our customers now. But it also moves us all a step closer to the future, where radio can be a lot more mobile and agile – and that only benefits the industry as a whole.”

Wheatstone will be demonstrating its latest cloud advancements and partnerships at the NAB Show, booth W3000, while Radio.Cloud will show off its automation and live studio platforms at booth W1773.