Thursday, October 10, 2024

Mediavest-NABOB Ad Event Deemed Success

NABOB-Mediavest NYC event put together station owners/GM with ad agencies.

Ad Campaign Streaming Video, Audio Demand Spikes

Streaming video and audio options are heating up for advertising agencies.

Why is Moonves Bullish on Ad Market?

CBS Corp. CEO Les Moonves says the advertising environment remains strong.
NCAA March Madness

How Radio Targets College Hoops Fans

How can radio sell to the March Madness consumer?

Did You Know Anti-Trump Ads Are Now a Factor in TV Campaigns?

On broadcast TV in the last ten days, Hillary Clinton leads with 6,389 spots.

Clinton Ahead in Latest Spot Tally

Clinton campaign buys most radio ads in latest Media Monitors tally.
Democrat and Republican

Stations Anticipate Anti-Trump Ad Buys

TV could benefit from anti-Trump ad buys.

Burger Wars on the Radio

In the Media Monitors Radio Spot Ten last week, GEICO was #1 again

Neutrogena Cleans Up

In last week’s Media Monitors TV Spot Ten, Neutrogena slid into #1
Bubba Army

How Bubba Denies Ratings Plot

Clem denies big plot to distort PPM ratings.

Spanish Dominant Radio Listeners Tune-In Most

97% of Hispanic American adults listen to radio each week, according to Nielsen.
RAB / Radio Advertising Bureau

Auto Ad Spend Virtually Flat

RAB tallies radio ad spend for 2015.

Nielsen Acquires Pointlogic to Up Resonance, Reaction Data

Nielsen has acquired marketing software company Pointlogic.

Clinton, Sanders Dominate TV

Media Monitors tracks TV spot buys in top 60 DMAs and finds Clinton, Sanders dominates.

Podcast Listening, Revenues Expand

Bridge Ratings says podcasting listening and revenues grow.