Friday, October 11, 2024

Consolidation Hits Auto Dealer Ad Spend

Auto dealer ad spend is contracting due to consolidation.
CBS Radio

Radio Split Won’t Tighten TV Ad Prices

Divesting CBS Radio won't tighten TV ad prices, says company execs.

Meredith Eager to Resume M&A

Meredith Corp. is keeping dry powder for when TV M&A resumes post-auction.

“Radio Is a Great Business”

Auto, entertainment & restaurant ad categories are doing well for Entercom.
IAB / Interactive Advertising Bureau

How to Get Consumers to Unblock Ads

2/3 of U.S. consumers using ad blockers can be persuaded to remove them from their computers, says the IAB.

Toyota to the Top

Last week in the Media Monitors TV Spot Ten, the Toyota Dealer Association took #1

Walgreens Grows

In the Media Monitors Radio Spot Ten, The Home Depot continues its run at the top

NextRadio Ads Deliver ROI Metrics for Aloft Hotels

The NextRadio ad campaign for Aloft Hotels went beyond reach and frequency.
Dollar Sign

Who’s Partnering on Small Business Financing?

Townsquare Media and Lendio are teaming up.

Why Tower Ownership is Better Than Leasing

Minority and women-owned station groups discuss getting into tower ownership.
Democrat and Republican

Clinton’s Campaign Has Purchased How Many TV Ads?

Media Monitors is tracking president campaign ad buys in the top 60 DMAs.

How Netflix Sees Subscriber Drop-Off

Netflix executives said even foreign markets are tougher than expected.

What Auto Dealers Say About Media

Gordon Borrell predicts a "thinning" of media ad dollars coming from auto dealers after this.
Magazine Rack

Adweek Sold

Adweek has been sold to a private equity firm.

PCH Knocks on #1

Last week in the Media Monitors TV Spot Ten, Publishers Clearing House moved into #1 with 20,613 spots