Broadcasting cited as part of emergency preparedness plan


With the hurricane season upon us and with a particular hurricane by the name Irene bearing down on the East Coast of the United States, The Hanover Insurance Group offered a tip sheet on what to do before, during and after an emergency. One of its chief recommendations is to stay on top of the situation via radio and television before a storm strikes.

“Research suggests that it is likely a major hurricane will hit the U.S. coastline this season,” said Mark Desrochers, president of The Hanover’s personal lines business. “The good news, however, is that with the right preparations, individuals can significantly reduce their risk of personal injury or having their property damaged in a storm.”

Hanover made a number of suggestions for preparedness that should be taken well in advance of hurricane season, such as having appropriate supplies laid in store and important documents protected.

It moved on to what to do when a storm is threatening, and monitoring broadcast reports was first on the list. Here are Hanover’s suggestions when a strike may be imminent.

* Listen for advisories on the radio or TV.  Follow advice from local officials on how to best protect yourself for the upcoming storm.
* Double check that your emergency supplies are in order.
* Charge your cell phone battery or batteries.
* Fill the gas tank of your car(s).  You’ll need it if you have to evacuate. If there is a power outage, gas pumps may not be functioning.
* Bring items inside your home that could become dangerous as flying objects, including all toys, and lawn furniture.  Make sure that sheds, cabanas and similar detached structures are securely anchored.
* Protect glass windows with boards, shutters or tape. Otherwise they could be broken from wind pressure.
* Move important papers and valuables to the second floor if you expect flooding.
* Turn your refrigerator to the coldest setting; so food will last longer if the power goes out.
* Fill your clean bathtub with extra water.

RBR-TVBR observation: There is a very good chance that Irene may be paying a visit directly to our neck of the woods, and you can bet your bottom dollar that we’ll be avid fans of broadcast reports on Irene’s whereabouts and about just how badly she is behaving!

NOTE: All Broadcast and Media outlets here is a three part series published by RBR-TVBR on Hurricane season: What you need to know to be prepared – The information is extensive and our recommendation is for all Radio, TV and Media outlets to Post this series on your local websites to assist in advising your local audience and your staff to be prepared:

Hurricane season has started: What you need to know to be prepared, Part I

Hurricane season has started: The Flood of the Century, Part II

Hurricane season is here: In Case of Emergency, Part III