Aitken Named A SMPTE Fellow


WASHINGTON, D.C. — The Sr. VP of Advanced Technology at Sinclair Inc. and President of ATSC-focused ONE Media 3.0, has been named a Fellow of the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE).

Selected by peer review, an SMPTE Fellow is an individual who has, by proficiency and contributions, attained an outstanding rank among engineers or executives in the motion picture, television, or related industries and is working to drive the industry forward.

And, Mark Aitken can now add his name to the esteemed list of Fellows.

Aitken is responsible for representing Sinclair’s interests in regulatory, technical and standards issues within industry-related organizations and before regulatory agencies both in the U.S. and internationally. He has been involved in the broadcast industry’s migration to advanced services since 1987 and was the primary architect in the formation of ONE Media, as well as a driver of key ATSC (Advanced Television Systems Committee) 3.0 breakthrough technologies.

Aitken will be honored at SMPTE’s 2023 Media Technology Summit Gala in Los Angeles, scheduled for August.