WBA to Join Mentorship Program for Women in Radio


The Wisconsin Broadcasters Association is partnering with Mentoring and Inspiring Women in Radio Inc. (MIW) to launch a mentorship program aimed at advancing female leadership in radio broadcasting.

The partnership was announced Thursday at the WBA Summer Conference and an application process is now open. Applications are due July 7.

“The WBA is thrilled to offer this excellent opportunity to our members,” said WBA President/CEO Michelle Vetterkind. “We’re confident there will be many qualified applicants seeking to take advantage of this fabulous partnership.”

Wisconsin is the second state to partner with MIW, which is hoping to expand to all 50 states. Minnesota launched the first partnership last year.

“Welcome Wisconsin!,” said MIW Board President Ruth Presslaff. “We are so appreciative of the support the Wisconsin broadcasters are showing by launching this mentorship program with MIW. Many thanks to Michelle Vetterkind and everyone at WBA.”

Qualifications for the Mentoring and Inspiring Women in Wisconsin Mentorship include:

  • A minimum of 3 years in the radio industry
  • An interest in growing your career within the radio industry
  • An ability to commit the time (2-4 hours a month) to make this program work for you
  • Working in a Wisconsin radio market

Applicants should be women aspiring to a management role in radio or a manager seeking to grow essential skills and techniques needed to be an effective leader.