Tribune Interactive adds “Uncle Jay”


Tribune Interactive is adding a new feature to Tribune Company’s websites designed to help viewers understand the news in a unique and entertaining way. “Uncle Jay Explains The News” makes today’s news comprehensible to the innocent, the ignorant and the immature—even to children.

Every Monday, the world awakens to a new three-minute video of Uncle Jay explaining the previous week’s events. He keeps it simple, so that even the famous people he talks about can follow along. He even explains how the news media itself operates, although those people might have a little trouble keeping up.

Back in the 1990’s Uncle Jay originated the "News Word of the Week" and won an Emmy on a Cincinnati TV newscast. In 2007 he moved to the Internet. Now his audience has grown to the point where his “2008 Singing Year In Review” hit number one on YouTube, receiving over 8 million views. Maybe a friend or relative has already sent it to you. “Uncle Jay Explains the News” is new every Monday at and on the websites of Tribune company’s eight newspapers and 23 television stations.