RADAR Shows the Reach of Network Radio


Nielsen1Nielsen Audio has its March 2015 RADAR Radio Network Ratings report out on the streets, and the result is that the combined might of 44 such entities reaches some 170 million US citizens 12+ on a weekly basis.

The African American demo remains the biggest user of the medium.

Results are down across the board since December 2014, but Nielsen explained that this could be due to a number of factors above and beyond the popularity of the programming. Much of the change is due to the typical and perennial churn on network affiliation rosters, combined with the fact that not all networks are part of the RADAR survey.

Here, from Nielsen Audio, are the results for March 2015:

The RADAR March 2015 report demonstrates network radio’s appeal across a wide range of ages and markets. Commercials aired on the 44 measured radio networks reached:
* 63.2 percent of persons aged 12+ (170.1 million listeners)
* 66.3 percent of persons aged 18-49 (89.6 million listeners)
* 67.3 percent of persons aged 25-54 (84.4 million listeners)
* 58.5 percent of Hispanics aged 12+ (25.3 million listeners)
* 71.3 percent of African Americans aged 12+ (24.5 million listeners)

The RADAR March 2015 report also demonstrates network radio’s extensive reach in the Top 25 DMAs® – Designated Market Areas:
* 65.7 percent of persons aged 12+ (89.3 million listeners)
* 69.6 percent of persons aged 18-49 (48.2 million listeners)
* 70.4 percent of persons aged 25-54 (46.1 million listeners)
* 61.3 percent of Hispanics aged 12+ (19.6 million listeners)
* 73.2 percent of African Americans aged 12+ (15.1 million listeners)

44 individual radio networks are part of the survey, operated by companies including AdLarge Media, American Urban Radio Networks, Crystal Media Networks, Premiere Networks, United Stations Radio Networks and Westwood One. 395,896 persons aged 12 or older took part.