NY Giants sign for custom PPM ratings


Arbitron announced that the New York Giants have signed a contract for Portable People Meter custom radio ratings services in New York.

“The ability to look at each game and see how many people are really listening is groundbreaking for us,” said Mike Stevens, Chief Marketing Officer, New York Giants. “PPM data will provide us with game-by-game insights that we were never able to see before. We know that Giants fans are passionate about their team and will tune in so they never miss a game. We can now deliver valuable insight about our audience base and demonstrate to advertisers that sports radio is a unique format for reaching one of their most valued demographics.”

The average Giants game in the 2007 season on WFAN-AM reached 194,600 Men 25-54 (Average Daily Cume), according to New York PPM Pre-currency data. On average, these broadcasts reached more men than the number 1 show in morning drive, the premier advertising daypart in the December PPM data for New York.

During the 2007 NFL regular season the PPM began measuring audiences in NYC. Between 8/23/07 and 1/8/08 the Giants radio broadcast on WFAN-AM scored the highest hourly Men 25-54 AQH rating with a 3.2 during the 4th quarter of the December 9th Philadelphia Eagles game.

Using the existing PPM panel installed in New York for syndicated radio ratings, the contract calls for Arbitron to generate custom reports of pre-, post-, in-game and total broadcast listening estimates for the Giants 2008 football seasons. The reports include exclusive game broadcast AQH and cume audience estimates to Giants broadcasts on WFAN-AM. New York Football Giants own and control the inventory for pre-, in- and post-game programming.