Have your radio stations’ top programmers had enough with the auditorium test? Could there be a more efficient and tech-savvy way to help determine what your station’s music library and core artists should be?
Check out what Vipology and Benztown just teamed up to create.
It involves one of the most popular and trendy new additions to the American home: a smart speaker.
Thanks to Vipology’s purchase of MusicTesting.com, announced last week, the Los Angeles-based company has rolled out the first smart speaker music testing platform in the marketplace.
It’s dubbing the platform “VS3+MusicTesting.com,” and it combines Amazon’s Alexa and IBM Watson technology. Vipology partnered with Benztown in developing the platform, with Benztown providing a library of thousands of song hooks covering 14 formats.
Perhaps most enticing is where the music test participant can be: their own home.
Says Vipology, “The VS3+MusicTesting.com platform brings music research into the comfort of listeners’ homes and enables listeners to share their passion through emotional responses, scoring listeners’ emotional feedback in ways legacy music testing cannot. With simple call-to-action methodology, VS3+MusicTesting.com turns the music research dynamic into a one-on-one audience relationship and conversation, leveraging the power of IBM Watson to score emotion and passion by sound.”
Company Chief Technology Officer Brian Parsons adds, “Alexa’s casual experience is a great way to gather research. Leveraging IBM Watson and our patent pending secret sauce to deliver consumer emotional analysis is a completely new and powerful concept for music testing. Both systems are really fun to integrate into our technology.”