This Media Management and Playout Product Gets An Upgrade


Elenos Group, the parent company of Broadcast Electronics (BE), has brought to market a new version of its media management and playout product AudioVAULT.

With “significant advancements,” the offering from Elenos Group boasts “enhanced features, seamless workflows, and unparalleled innovation,” all designed to elevate an operator’s broadcasting experience to new heights.

Among the key new features:

  • Advanced scheduling capabilities at your fingertips, allowing you to effortlessly manage program distribution tasks with the new AV Scheduler.
  • CloudVAULT delivers secure disaster recovery with simple access to cloud-based shared storage, enabling you to organize and retrieve your media assets with ease.
  • Universal browser based remote access and operation from any connected device, empowering you to stay in control from anywhere around the globe.
  • Seamless integration with Adobe® Audition digital audio editing software streamlines production tasks and enhances metadata management.

Those wishing to take AudioVAULT 11 for a test drive may do so by requesting a complimentary demo. To do so, visit the website.


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