Protestors showed up at Portland Radio WGAN-AM Portland 3/8 with 5,000+ signatures on a petition calling for the station to drop the show over remarks he made over Sandra Fluke. The protestors hand-delivered the petitions to Cary Pahigian, President/GM of Portland Radio.
The petition states: “Rush Limbaugh’s anti-woman rants have gone so far that it is unacceptable for WGAN to profit from filling Maine’s airwaves with his hate and misogyny. Limbaugh called a law student who testified on behalf of insurance coverage for contraceptives a “slut” and a “prostitute” and publicly suggested that she post videos of herself having sex on the Internet. If Rush were using such blatant and unabashed slurs about a racial or ethnic group, his repulsive vitriol would never be broadcast. We request that WGAN, which currently has one female host and 15 male hosts, show its support for the women of Maine by pulling Limbaugh’s show from the airwaves effective immediately and replacing his noon to 3 pm radio show with one that has a woman host.”
Pahigian told WMTW News 8 that WGAN will continue to carry Limbaugh’s program: “I do believe he crossed the line. But there also is an issue of free speech. What is the line? And who is the arbiter of the line?”
Pahigian also said that none of the people involved in the petition has communicated to the station directly to express their concerns.
Three local businesses have stopped advertising on the show: Cunningham Security in Yarmouth; RSVP Discount Beverage in Portland; and Downeast Energy in Brunswick.