Journal moves on Wisconsin LMA partner


NBC WGBA-TV Green Bay WI has been lending a helping hand to MNT WACY-TV Appleton WI since 1994. Now it wants to make the relationship permanent.

WACY is owned by ACE TV Inc., headed by Shirley A. Martin.

The LMA between WACY and Journal’s WGBA was said to be instrumental to the financial survival of both stations at the time it was put in place. Journal says that it remains highly doubtful that WACY can survive on its own and has moved to acquire it on a failing station waiver.

A contract to acquire the station was originally filed 4/28/04. A new amendment calls for Journal to assume liabilities associated with the station and make a payment of $2,037,500 cash.

The Green Bay-Appleton DMA does not support the required eight independent television voices, necessitating the waiver request.

Journal’s Milwaukee blowtorch WTMJ-AM makes it up to Green Bay-Appleton but is not considered to be a factor in local cap considerations.