Hosted by Barry Manilow, the new iHeartRadio channel features music from his new album “15 Minutes,” an extensive catalog of hits, and the music from artists who have influenced him. Listeners can access the channel at and enter the keyword “Manilow” to be a part of the “15 Minutes” contest asking listeners, “what would you do to become famous?”
Video entries can be submitted at now through 6/19 at Midnight.
The Grand Prize winner will receive the opportunity to appear on-stage as part of Manilow’s concert at The Paris Las Vegas, free round trip airfare for two to Las Vegas, limo transport to/from the Las Vegas airport, three hotel nights at The Paris, food beverage vouchers, behind the scenes coaching, and VIP treatment.
“15 Minutes,” the first original album from Manilow in 10 years, is set to be released 6/14. Inspired by the Andy Warhol quote that “In the future, everybody will be world famous for 15 minutes,” the guitar-driven pop album explores the perils and pinnacles of fame’s double-edged sword.