Hispanic Market Leader Honored For Distinguished Service


MIAMI — Each year, the Hispanic radio community recognizes its outstanding leaders at the Medallas de Cortez awards ceremony, a highlight of the Hispanic Radio Conference.

For the 2023 event, scheduled for June 14-15, the partner and Chief Contact Strategist at d expósito & Partners will be honored with a special award for Distinguished Leadership in Hispanic media.

Getting the special honor is Gloria Constanza.

Born in the Dominican Republic and now living in New York, Constanza has played a transformative role in the U.S. Hispanic marketing and advertising industry. Navigating the incredible growth of the U.S. Hispanic and multicultural markets, her work enabled the Census Bureau to assess the numerical impact of the Hispanic population in America. In her role at d expósito & Partners, Gloria has guided clients as diverse as the U.S. Army, McDonald’s, AARP, and Tajín.

An April 2023 Hispanic Marketing Council Hall of Fame inductee, Constanza was also honored with that organization’s Executive Media Planner of the Year Award in 2007.  El Diario/La Prensa, the oldest Spanish-language newspaper in New York, chose her for its Mujeres Destacadas (Accomplished Women) Award in 2005. Constanza also serves on 4A’s Media Measurement Committee.

“No one could be more deserving of this special Medallas de Cortez award than Gloria Constaza,” said Deborah Parenti, President/Publisher of Streamline Publishing’s Radio Ink and Radio + Television Business Report. “As a media executive and as a trailblazer, Gloria has been one on whose shoulders Hispanic marketing and those who work in it have been carried to greater heights. And she is as generous and kind in spirit as she is a consummate professional.”

Gloria Constanza was interviewed for the Hispanic Market Overview 2023 annual state-of-the-industry report distributed by HispanicAd.com in late April. To read her interview, please click here.

Early bird registration and a limited room block at the Intercontinental Doral are open now! For information on 2023’s sessions and speakers, visit our agenda here.