Fresh Census Data Weaving Into FCC’s TVStudy


WASHINGTON, D.C. — Starting August 1, the FCC’s TVStudy software will incorporate 2020 U.S. Census data and its use will be required for all applications.

TVStudy software is used to perform coverage and interference analysis of television stations as it pertains to the Table of TV Allotments and facility modification requests.

All television broadcast applications filed on or after August 1 will be required to utilize 2020 Census Data for purposes of conducting interference analyses. Failure to do so will require amendment and may result in dismissal of applications as defective.

By separate Public Notice, The Office of Engineering and Technology confirmed the release of updated TVStudy software (Version 2.3.0). The TVStudy Version 2.3.0 software, the TVStudy 2.3.0 Installation and Upgrade Guide, and the template XML file are all available on the TVStudy website at As with prior updates, a full list of changes from TVStudy Version 2.2.5 is included in the “Differences Between 2.3.0 and 2.2.5” section of the Change Log in the TVStudy 2.3.0 Installation and Upgrade Guide.


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