FCC Brings A Channel Change Window To Low-Power TV Licensees


Want to swap out the current channel of that Class A or digital low-power TV station for a different channel? Now’s your chance, the Media Bureau has announced.

Beginning August 20, the FCC’s Media Bureau will lift its current freeze on major modification applications and permit all Class A television, low-power television, and television translator stations to file major change applications in order to change their existing channel — subject to certain limitations.

The current freeze will remain in place until further notice for all other major modifications and applications for new LPTV and TV translator stations. That said, this marks the Bureau’s first step in the process of lifting a freeze that has been in place since 2010, restricting the filing of major modifications for Class A, LPTV, and TV translator
stations and the filing of applications for new LPTV and TV translator stations.

As such, any changes to a station’s facility are restricted to a change in channel and those that could otherwise be requested in a minor modification application.

For example, requests to move a facility greater than 30 miles (or 48km) are not permitted and remain subject to the existing freeze.

What’s the reasoning behind this? “[It] will allow stations that have not had an opportunity to change channel since prior to the Incentive Auction the ability to resolve viewer reception issues that cannot be resolved through means other than changing channel,” the Bureau explains. “It will also allow stations to improve television service to existing viewers prior to providing an opportunity for other major modifications, such as moving greater than 30 miles, or allowing interested parties to apply for new stations.”

All applications will be processed on a first-come, first-serve basis and will be “cut off” daily for purposes of determining mutual exclusivity (MX).