Is Ad Industry Weakness A Media Industry Concern?

"We are in the midst of one of the strongest advertising markets in a while, yet advertising agency revenues are decidedly weak." That's an assessment of the advertising industry from Wall Street investment analyst Michael Nathanson, who has five key takeaways from NY Advertising Day to share.

Ten Great Questions To Ask Your Next Sales Hire

Do you struggle asking good questions when interviewing sales reps? That's a question expert sales trainer Barrett Riddleberger wants you to think about, and answer as best as possible. How so? He presents 10 "powerful questions to transform your hiring process."

Five Stellar First Appointment Questions

You only get one first appointment with a prospect. Here's some great advice from expert sales training coach Barrett Riddleberger on how to never waste one again. Five questions, and his answers, could provide great learning for your entire media organization.

What Local Ad Buyers Love, And Dislike

"Love it or hate it, this is the chart that gets the most attention every year," says noted local advertising analyst Gordon Borrell. "It's basically a barometer indicating where it's going to be sunny, cloudy, or stormy in the local advertising world."

Come In, We’re Open: Retail’s True Growth Story?

Barney's New York on August 6 filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. CNBC reported that the move "makes the luxury department store the latest victim of the retail upheaval, as shoppers buy online and from brands directly." The National Retail Federation takes issue with this.

Ten Smart Ways to Make Your Sales Training Better

"Sales training is critical for growing and sustaining a successful sales team, but you've got to do it right," says expert sales trainer Barrett Riddleberger. "You can't afford to waste your money or time." This Media Information Bureau column is guaranteed to be a winner.

Local Agencies: Warming To Advanced TV

The latest "Chart of the Week" from Borrell Associates features a particularly intriguing insight from its recently completed survey of 442 local ad agencies. "[It] looks like they're still in love with broadcast TV, but they've started open relationships with other video platforms," says Gordon Borrell.

New Research Shows MC Media Spend Disproportionately Low

Multicultural consumers comprise almost 40% of the total U.S. population, yet multicultural media investments make up only 5.2% of total advertising and marketing spending. That's according to PQ Media, which conducted a research study on behalf of an ANA group.

What Great Sales Reps Do To Be Great

Stellar sales reps do things that others don't. Want to learn what they've done to reach these achievements, so it can be shared with your radio or TV sales leaders? Click here for the latest Media Information Bureau installment from sales training expert Barrett Riddleberger.

‘Traditional TV’ Very Strong, But Millennials Are Killing It

A wide-ranging study released Thursday at VidCon 2019 in Anaheim, Calif., offers a deep dive analysis into ever-evolving consumer media trends ranging from the connected TV's growing use to the rise of mobile and streaming.

Seven More Marks Of A Great Sales Coach

Expert sales training guru Barrett Riddleberger got such a strong reaction to a recent column offering his thoughts on what makes a great sales coach that he took pen to paper and delivered more great tips and insight for the media industry's C-Suite.

What It takes To Be a Great Sales Coach

Featured columnist Barrett Riddleberger, an expert sales training coach, is back with an article on the seven qualities he believes make a great sales coach. "There is a direct correlation between effective sales coaching and sales quota achievement," he writes.

Five Qualifying Questions To Ask Your Sales Reps

Tired of your reps quoting buyers and then not getting a signed contract? Help your sales reps build a robust pipeline of qualified prospects with these five "powerful" questions, offered by veteran sales consultant and influencer Barrett Riddleberger.

New Insight On Digital Advertising, And ‘Better Ads’

Google can block ads on a website without the publisher even knowing it. That's just one big takeaway from a new MediaRadar report on online advertising. It's great intelligence for broadcast media AEs looking for more fuel to win over clients skeptical of radio and TV.

Seven Ways To Fix Underperforming Sales Reps Today

Got some sales reps that aren’t meeting your expectations? Here’s an article that might help, courtesy of expert sales training consultant Barrett Riddleberger. Here, Riddleberger shares seven ways one can fix underperforming sales reps ... right now!