Three / Goals / Bullseye

Three things that define your goals

Most of the time when I read a book that asks me to do an exercise, I simply pause to think about the question and give it some mental
Ken Dardis

Getting Your Song Played on Radio

Don't suppose there are many stories of independent artists who contacted a radio industry station and succeeded in getting that station to air their...
Erwin Krasnow / John Brooks

Demystifying the Debt Term Sheet

By John R. Brooks and Erwin G. Krasnow, Esq. Thanks to your taking our advice on putting together a persuasive business plan (see our articles,...

Slight consumer confidence bounceback for July

While it may not be time to start popping the champagne corks, a 1.5% gain in the BIGinsight topline consumer confidence index is better...
John Pelkey

Mining Gold from the Station’s Previous Purchase Agreement

By John M. Pelkey, Garvey Schubert Barer In the Westerns of the 50’s and 60’s, the cowboy sneaking a peek at a poker player’s cards...

How must our logs be signed?

Interestingly, this recurring question keeps popping up.  It seems to result from what may turn out to be one of the great myths in...
Erwin Krasnow / John Brooks

Demystifying the Equity Term Sheet

By John R. Brooks and Erwin G. Krasnow, Esq. Congratulations! Thanks in large part to your following the practical pointers we gave you on putting...
Erwin Krasnow / John Pelkey

How to Turn Steel Into Gold: Monetize Your Tower

By Erwin G. Krasnow and John M. Pelkey Garvey Schubert Barer As credit gets tighter and traditional financing sources dry up, broadcasters need to be more...

How to get diary keepers to write down your name

Stations need to seriously re-think their on-air imaging. You need to produce benchmark features

Confidence continues to erode

The latest BIGinsight check-up on consumer sentiment reveals that it is still much better than it was a year ago, but at the same...
Erwin Krasnow / John Pelkey

How the Seller Can Protect its Own Money

By Erwin G. Krasnow and John M. Pelkey Garvey Schubert Barer Not all buyers will be able or willing to rely on bank financing to fund...

The Unselfish News Brand

"Love isn’t something that we have, it’s something that we do.” - Country Crooner Clint Black. Most stations will proudly proclaim they possess a...
John Pelkey

How to Protect OPM in a Secure Way

By John M. Pelkey, Garvey Schubert Barer Over the past two weeks, the Deal Tips column has focused on drafting a business plan that will...

Tips for working with agencies on improving your DSO–day sales outstanding

What happens when we stop thinking of advertising agencies as our adversaries in the collections process? The answer is that there
Matt Feinberg

Broadcast summit: Radio remains in the ballgame

SNK Kagan TV and Radio Broadcast Summit “Show me the Money” Part 2 By Matt Feinberg The SNL Kagan afternoon sessions were more radio focused. Lew...