Another Miami FM bandit nabbed


Broadcasting PirateA Miami DJ was running an unauthorized FM station on 92.7 MHz. One day, heading to his office suite, he ran into FCC agents who had traced the broadcast to the location.

The pirate is Michael Gregory, also known as DJ Miami, and identified himself on air as “DJ Miami of 92.7 Heavy FM.” He also was operating a website

FCC agents tracked the signal down to a commercial building, and spotted an antenna on its roof. While waiting to meet with the building rep, they happened to meet a man who identified himself as DJ Miami, and who also admitted to being Michael Gregory.

The necessary equipment for an operational FM station was found in Gregory’s suite, he admitted to purchasing the equipment, and turned it off.

It any evidence was needed over and above catching Gregory with the goods, it was easily cross-checked by looking at the station’s website.

Gregory was hit with the standard notice of apparent liability for $10K.

RBR-TVBR observation: We are strong advocates of broadcast stations maintaining a strong web presence – however, we depart from that advice when it can be used to turn state’s evidence against your own illegal activities.