Ad Council Unveils Trade Assn. Advisory Committee


A new committee comprised of executives from trade associations representing all sectors of the U.S. media ecosystem has been formed by the Ad Council. 

The Trade Association Advisory Committee’s principal task is to offer insights and perspectives on the challenges and opportunities facing their industries, guide the best ways to effectively engage their memberships, and explore opportunities “to amplify Ad Council messages as a collective in the ultimate service of driving meaningful impact.”

Ad Council President/CEO Lisa Sherman commented, “The Ad Council’s ability to convene leaders within advertising and across all industries to focus on a shared goal is a testament to the power of collaboration. Our incredible partners at the industry trade associations have been invaluable in helping to create lasting social change and we are thrilled to deepen these relationships with a shared commitment to moving the needle on America’s most pressing issues.”

Founding companies and members of the Ad Council’s Trade Association Advisory
Committee include:

  • Abby Auerbach, EVP and CCO, TVB
  • Ajay Durani, Sr. Advisor, Marketing, DPAA
  • Stephanie Fierman, CMO, ANA
  • Tammy Greenberg, SVP of Business Development, RAB
  • Jeff Jan, EVP of Strategy & Growth, OAAA, Chair of the Ad Council’s Trade
    Association Advisory Committee
  • Jennifer Jose, SVP of Public Affairs, NAB
  • John Koenig, Director, IBAA
  • Adrianne Lipscomb, VP of Creative Services, AAF
  • Lindsey Loving, Director of Communications, NMA
  • Carryl Pierre-Drews, EVP, Chief Marketing Officer, IAB
  • Ann Rubin, EVP of Marketing Communications & Events, 4A’s
  • Joy Sims, VP of Strategic Communications, NCTA
  • Greg Stuart, CEO, MMA

The TAAC’s first collaborative effort, beginning in June, will push forward the Ad Councii’s Love, Your Mind campaign, extending the initiative’s mental health resources to those who need them.

More information on the Ad Council’s Trade Association Advisory Committee and other
committees can be found here.