Winemiller Spins Two Groups Of LPTVs


It’s been a busy start to June for Jeff Winemiller, who this week has been actively trading low-power television stations. Now, two more deals have been filed with the FCC for its approval. Both involve asset sales.

On May 31, Winemiller signed off on an agreement that sees his Lowcountry 34 Media sell the following low-power TV properties to Fair Play Broadcasting LLC of Tallahassee, Florida:

  • W13DV-D, Crozet, Virginia (FAC ID 182303)
  • W32FY-D, Clarksburg, West Virginia (FAC ID 186777)
  • W35DI-D, Roanoke, West Virginia (FAC ID 186774)
  • W06DK-D, Florence, South Carolina (FAC ID 185609)

This transaction is valued at $506,889. A $25,344.45 deposit has been made to Lowcountry 34 Media by the buyer, led by Kristina Bruni.

There is no broker or finder associated with that transaction. Serving as the buyer’s legal representative is Mark Denbo of Smithwick & Belendiuk.

In the second transaction, also agreed to on May 31, Winemiller’s group is selling the following properties to Quad Marketing Group:

  • K03JE-D, Victoria, Texas (FAC ID 186473)
  • K04SD-D, Victoria, Texas (FAC ID 186474)
  • W06DI-D, Jasper, Florida (FAC ID 186187)
  • K06QW-D, Sentinel, Arizona (FAC ID 185857)
  • W06DG-D, Evansville, Indiana (FAC ID 181947)

Quad is paying $633,611 for the LPTV properties. A $31,680.55 deposit has been made to Lowcountry 34 Media by the buyer, headed by Merritt Island, Fla., based Michael Dagen.

Winemiller’s counsel is Davina Sashkin of Wilkinson Barker Knauer LLP.

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