TVB Shares Its 2023 Media Comparisons Study


Television ad sales advocacy group TVB on Thursday released its latest 2023 Media Comparisons Study.

Conducted by GfK, the report examines multimedia usage and effectiveness, while exploring the ways individuals consume traditional, digital, and streaming media. Comparisons of media reach, time spent with media, daily news sources, most trustworthy news sources, and level of community involvement are among the topics TVB delves into.

With Hadassa Gerber, Chief Research Officer at TVB, closing examining the study’s findings, key conclusions in three subject areas — Reach, Time Spent and Attitudes/Motivation/News were outlined.

When it comes to reach, Linear TV reaches more viewers. According to the study, TV has the highest reach of all measured media platforms, reaching 77% of adults 18+.

Then, there is the finding that TV is indeed multiplatform: Broadcast TV platforms, including websites/apps, reach 89% of viewers who use non-ad supported streaming services.

Some of the other Reach conclusions reinforce data points seen a decade ago in research studies conducted by such groups as Mintel: Hispanics and African Americans spend more time with TV than all other media platforms studied, while TV also has the highest reach.

For Broadcast TV leaders, they’ll be pleased to know that incorporating over-the-air stations in a marketing mix “builds reach more quickly, with fewer programs than streaming services.” How so? The TVB study cites November 2022 Nielsen data with its conclusion that 18% reach on Netflix requires 20,355 programs, while broadcast TV only requires 20.

With respect to Time Spent, TVB found that people spend more time with television than any other media platform measured. And, despite cable having more networks, viewers spend almost double the time with broadcast TV (3:37) compared to cable TV (1:54).

Meanwhile, streaming viewership numbers include ad-free platforms. And when looking solely at ad-supported platforms, linear TV is 80% of time spent.

Among the other findings in this category, TV screens dominate program viewing, while smartphones are heavily used for social media. And, some 77% of respondents viewed programs with ads on linear TV via a larger screen (TV set) than on their smartphone (17%).

What about the findings with respect to Attitudes/Motivation/News?

  • Local TV is most trusted: People trust local TV station news more than all other media platforms (74%); social media is the least trusted (37%).
  • 74% of car buyers said that television ads are motivation to do further research online.
  • 35% of respondents cited local broadcast TV news as the news source they feel is most involved in their community. Social media is the next closest media at 14.5%.
  • 56% of respondents said that TV ads are motivation to do further research online. Those numbers increase dramatically for online sports bettors (83%), legal service recipients (75%), car buyers (74%), and home remodelers (71%).