TV News: Upfront, CBS, Daily Show, NAB & Affiliates


TelevisionIt’s time to grab the remote and surf through some TV items. A report from Media Dynamics shows an almost flat upfront trend; CBS is already on the schedule for Q1 results reporting; Tina Fey is the frontrunner to replace Jon Stewart; and six networks will be having some form of affiliate event at the NAB Show in Las Vegas.

* Media Dynamics has a report out showing a dramatic slowdown in the growth of broadcast upfront results. During the 1995-2000 period growth averaged 56%; between 200-2005 it averaged 33%; and between 2005-2010 it averaged only 7%. Is that last result bad? Not compared to 1% growth from 2010 through the present. MD’s Ed Papazian says digital is a factor; we’d also mention the 2008 financial implosion.

* Never one to wait until the last minute, CBS has already scheduled its Q1 financial conference call. It will meet with interested parties on Thursday 5/7/15 at 4:30 PM eastern.

* Tina Fey gets the nod as America’s current favorite to take over The Daily Show when John Stewart leaves, according to a Quinnipiac poll. But her numbers are of the [pre-primary crowded-field – Fey gets first place with only 19%. Dennis Miller placed second with 16% and John Oliver eked out third with 8%.

* NAB reports that all six television networks will be holding either affiliate meetings or affiliate board meetings at the 2015 NAB Showin Las Vegas. In the mix are ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox, MundoFox and CW.