TuneIn empowers broadcasters with new streaming dashboard


Kristen Perkins, director of product, TuneIn and Ryan Polivka, marketing manager, TuneIn, spoke with RBR-TVBR Friday and demonstrated their new service offering, which for the first time makes broadcasters’ data available to them so they can see, among other pieces of data:

–How many unique listeners tuned in to their station
–How many listens (tunes) their station had
–How long people listened for
–Where their listeners came from
This is the first step for TuneIn to make analytics more accessible to broadcasters and to allow them to update their information as it appears in the TuneIn service—in turn making it easier for the over 30 million TuneIn listeners to find them. Down the road will be listening data on the zip code level and data supplied in real time, vs. the current 24-hour window.

Currently, the company makes money from its app downloads. Actually, there are three different apps to choose from with tiered pricing starting at $0.99. These apps are on just about every platform. The pro app allows time shifting of content—“what did she say”?

Eventually, they tell us, there will be more opportunities for ad insertion across networks, but for now, broadcasters insert the ads they wish—and that will always be a choice they’ll have.

TuneIn, formerly RadioTime, currently powers the Sonos music system as well as the SqueezeBox system, offering up 50,000 streams.

From Polivka’s Blog:

Knowledge is Power

Smartphones. Tablets. Laptops. TVs. Digital receivers. There are lots of new ways for people to listen to the radio, and analyzing your station’s digital traffic can be cumbersome if not daunting.

Today we’re excited to announce a product built just for our broadcast partners, called TuneIn Amplifier, to shed light on this situation. TuneIn Amplifier is a free, simple tool that provides all broadcasters who have stations on our service visibility into their TuneIn traffic. With over 30 million monthly active listeners and a presence across 230 countries and territories, data from TuneIn can be used as a core sample to better understand how people listen to your station.

TuneIn Amplifier is fast, updating information daily, reflecting:
• The total tunes (listens) your stations received
• The total unique listeners for each of your stations
• The average time listeners spent tuning in to each of your stations
• The number of listeners from each country who tuned in to each of your stations (for the United States, this information can be segmented by state)
• The donation taps each of your stations generated via TuneIn Donate (available for listener-supported stations only)

This data can be sorted by individual months, a custom date range or a rolling 30-day period. All listener data is on the aggregate level; no individual information is shared.

We chose these metrics based on requests from broadcasters who reached out to us with ideas on how we could help them learn more about their audience. If you are a broadcaster and have any suggestions for new additions or improvements to TuneIn Amplifier, please send them to [email protected].

In addition to these free analytics, you can update your TuneIn profile through TuneIn Amplifier, making your station more discoverable within our service and strengthening your brand.

This version of TuneIn Amplifier is only the first step, and we look forward to providing even more tools in the near future to help you succeed.

Get started today by visiting amplifier.tunein.com and sign up for an account!

Here are some screen shots of the product:

RBR-TVBR observation: This functionality will help broadcasters sell their online streams. Knowing where and when people are listening most will “Amplify” geo-targeting capabilities and also allow broadcast groups to know and show which areas of their market are most resonant by format, show and daypart. Just print out these reports and take them with you to client meetings—simple as that. Indeed, knowledge is power.