Transactions 07-16-07


3.55M WFUN-AM/WYBL-FM/WREO-FM, WJFJ-FM & WZOO-FM Ashtabula OH (Ashtabula, Kingsville, Edgewood OH) from CC Licenses LLC, a subsidiary of Clear Channel Communications Inc. (Mark Mays) to Sweet Home Ashtabula LLC (James T. Embrescia et al). 355K escrow, balance in cash at closing. Existing superduopoly. [File date 6/15/07.]

1.5M KAXX-AM & KZND-FM Anchorage AK (Eagle River, Houston AK) from Ruth Pollack, Executrix to Tati Broadcasting LLC (Mike Robbins, Jonathon Marden). Original contract was dated 1/1/06, between buyer and the late Chester P. Coleman. Cancellation of 150K, amended to include loan of 57K toward anticipated consent decree with FCC for license renewal, balance in cash at closing. Duopoly with KNIK-FM Anchorage. [File date 6/15/07.]