Enjoy Our Live Webinar On OTT’s OTA Value On Demand Now!


The power of combining OTT with linear TV is an opportunity for broadcast television, and on Thursday afternoon Compulse Regional Sales Director Paolo Romanacci participated in an exclusive one-on-one discussion with RBR+TVBR Editor-in-Chief Adam R Jacobson in an exclusive webinar.

On February 10, live participants gained valuable insights and intelligence on how to combine free-to-air television with Connected TV for optimal reach, performance and profit.

We’re pleased to now offer an “instant replay” of the discussion.

It’s a free event. All you need to do to view the webinar on demand NOW is to register.

Access the Webinar Video by clicking here: https://d.pr/v/0R01rf/G9mRn3KcUL

Romanacci shares the rise of “CTV” —  Connected TV. He also provides details on how marketers can use CTV and Over-The-Air TV in combo to reach viewers that “cut the cord” and will never see a spot cable-booked ad, along with a great client success story.

As an audio alternative to viewing the webinar, you may listen to Jacobson’s conversation with Romanacci by accessing the latest InFOCUS Podcast via the player below.

Note: Visuals are not included in this audio-only recording of the webinar.

Listen to “Enjoy Our Live Webinar On OTT’s OTA Value On Demand Now!” on Spreaker.