"TheOne" 50-channel radio receiver to offer "Target Market Broadcasting"


Ludwig Enterprises, Inc, (LUDW) is a Florida based company which is entering the ethnic broadcasting market on a national scale.  However the company’s plans go far beyond this single initial marketing plan.  The features of the network platform and the unique receiver functions will allow the company to avail itself of a more vast listening population.  These functions will allow it to take advantage of Target Market Broadcasting to all its listener populations.

Target Marketing Broadcasting (TMB) in conjunction with FM-HD radio broadcasting is the newest and most revolutionary concept in “Consumer Specific Broadcasting”.  Ludwig’s new HD receiver trademarked “TheOne” uses HD FM broadcasting as it core technology and uses a patented means broadcasting up to 50 new digital radio channels.

Ludwig proposes to enter into agreements with multiple U.S. Broadcasting stations or networks with spectrum in as many markets as possible. Ludwig is targeting the top 50 U.S. markets. Without requiring any investment by the prospective station or modifications to its existing transmitter site or changes in FCC licensing, this existing FM broadcasting network could allow Ludwig to broadcast non-competing formats. Ludwig proposes to offer “Specialized Programming” such as 7/24 broadcasts in Chinese, Pakistani, Russian, and as many as 40 other languages. Additionally, Ludwig can offer sports, talk shows, classical, jazz, new age music as well as old time radio serials, and what has commonly come to be know as the “radio reader” – books being read over the radio.

Additionally Ludwig is in discussions with State and Federal agencies to transmit time sensitive weather emergency transmissions.  As the receiver will contain a GPS chip, transmission warnings can take place at a previously unavailable localized level.

The listener will be required to purchase a new HD radio receiver designed by Ludwig. This receiver will be unique in that it is designed to be two way. The receivers, as currently designed will, utilize Internet Protocol, contain a simple (GPS) global positioning system and a 2-way text transmitter. The listener’s daily selections will be stored and once a day the GPS location and duration and channels listened to will be sent (similar to sending a short text message) to a national chain of transceivers for termination into Ludwig’s centralized database.

There is an exciting new marketing and customer penetration aspect to this product.  A tremendously powerful customer information database will be available and marketable to prospective advertising clients.  Any given advertiser, whether local or national can send its message in the native language of the target market to individual listeners units. Within 24 hours the advertiser can be informed as to the exact market penetration of the advertisement including specific demographics and number of listeners receiving his or her message.

Ludwig is developing a receiver that will receive content based upon each individual receiver’s (MAC) Machine Accessible address or receiver serial number. This enhancement could allow local advertisers to send messages to specific areas and even specific targeted listeners based upon the GPS locations of the receivers or other demographic information.  As an example, Joe’s Pizza could broadcast a targeted advertisement to all receivers within a 3-mile radius of his business and all other listeners would receive a different advertisement.

The thrust of the marketing Plan is to focus on ethnic listeners.  We feel that there is a great need of resident ethnic communities to receive local FM radio transmissions from their home countries, or in their native language.  The content of which could be entertainment, sports, or news, talk shows etc.  Because we don’t want to compete with local Hispanic/Latin broadcasters, we will not be addressing the Hispanic market, initially.

These transmissions would be rebroadcast from local Chinese, Pakistani, Indian, et al. FM stations.


To understand the future opportunities available to Ludwig, one has only to grasp the potential markets that lie in wait.  The common thread in all of our expansion plans will adhere to the commitment of servicing the multicultural markets that remain underserved. 

The Tuft University’s Selig Center’s estimates and projections of buying for 1990-2009 show that ethnic minorities: African Americans, Caribbean-American, Asians, and Hispanics, together wield formidable economic clout.  In 2009, the combined buying power of those groups is more than triple its 1990 level of $456 billion and will exceed $1.5 trillion, a gain of $1.1 trillion or 242%.

In 2009, African Americans, including those of Caribbean decent will account for 62% of combined spending, or $965 billion.  The nation’s so-called minorities’ markets growth will outpace that of the white population considerably.  As an example, over the nineteen year period between 1990-2009, the percentage gains in minority buying power will vary considerably by race, from a gain of 347% for Asians to 203% for Blacks; but still much faster than the white market where buying power will increase by only 140%.

Ludwig plans to serve an underserved market with a high quality product, using new technology. Content providers and other interested parties may contact me at 786.235.9026.

— Patrick Greenish, CEO/Ludwig Enterprises