State of U.S. Hispanic consumers detailed


NielsenMore than 52 million strong and representing the majority of population growth over the next five years, Latinos have become prominent in all aspects of American life. A growing, evolving population, Latinos are a fundamental component to future business success, with a buying power of $1 trillion in 2010 that is projected to grow 50% to $1.5 trillion in 2015.

In State of the Hispanic Consumer: The Hispanic Market Imperative report, Nielsen has identified several unique circumstances that combine to make Hispanics the largest population group to exhibit culture sustainability—ever. Borderless social networking, unprecedented exchange of goods, technology as a facilitator for cultural exchange, retro acculturation, and new culture generation combine to enable Hispanic culture in the U.S. to be sustainable. In other words, Hispanic culture may evolve but will not go away.

Key findings of The Hispanic Market Imperative:

–The overall U.S. population is graying, but the Latino population remains young and the primary feeder of workforce growth and new consumption. The median age of the Latino population is 28 years old, nearly ten years younger than the total market median age of 37 years. Given that the age for a new home buyer is between 26 and 46 years old, Latinos will become a force in residential purchasing over the next ten years.

–Technology and media use do not mirror the general market but have distinct patterns due to language, culture, and ownership dynamics. For example, Hispanics spend 68% more time watching video on the Internet and 20% more time watching video on their mobile phones than non-Hispanic whites.

–Latinos exhibit distinct product consumption patterns and are not buying in ways that are the same as the total market. Hispanics make fewer shopping trips per household than non-Hispanics, for instance, and spend more per trip.

Rapid Latino population growth will persist. Between 2000 and 2011, Hispanics accounted for more than half of the U.S. population increase; in other words, their 10-year increase was slightly greater than that of all other non-Hispanics combined. Hispanics will contribute an even greater share (60% or higher) of all population growth over the next five years.

–Hispanic culture is sustainable. A 2011 national survey of Hispanic adults found that nine out of ten Hispanic parents and parents-to-be want their children to be able to speak Spanish, even though they also want them to become fluent in English.

Coming soon to Media Information Bureau: Hispanic Radio, Consumers and Retail — A guide to the composition and habits of the Hispanic radio audience. In the meantime, cleck out the variety of format studies we’ve done in the RBR-TVBR Media Information Bureau and how consumers resonate with each:

Talk Radio, Consumers and Retail

Oldies, Consumers and Retail

Top 40/Pop, Consumers and Retail

News Radio, Consumers and Retail

Country, Consumers and Retail

Hip-Hop, Consumers and Retail

To download The Hispanic Market Imperative, visit







    The gathering storm is approaching and Mitt Romney is going to find himself in a lot of trouble if he reneges on enforcing the “rule of Law” on illegal immigration. The Constitutional TEA PARTY are avid defenders of the founding fathers edicts and as we have already seen President Obama has crossed that unconstitutional line, on an assortment of issues? Many Hispanics and all minority groups don’t necessarily believe we shouldn’t defend our borders. Or up hold the law against illegal aliens as any American or recognized permanent resident have demanded? It affects all the population as large bloc’s of minorities have lost their jobs and seen the failure of our economy under the dismal direction of this administration. More so than any time since the Second World War, the voters need to dethrone all those democrats, Republicans and Liberals who are have been influenced by Special interest groups, not to implement the E-Verify act as a mandatory federal law.

    The voters should also recall or throw out those tenants as Governors, Mayors and all elected officials who are pressing for any Comprehensive Immigration Reform policy. Currently the upper elites run by GOP John Boehner and his surrogates who are blocking this law on behalf of the huge corporations who are benefiting from cheap labor and the high profit margins and not lawful American labor. E-Verify would solve many decisive issues, relating to foreign workers taking American jobs. The latest company accused of visa fraud is the Information and Technology firm and high-tech industry powerhouse, “Infosys”, is accused of bringing low-paid foreign workers to the U.S. illegally. As the old saying goes, this is just the “tip of the Iceberg” amongst the millions of corporations and business holders. Every US citizen should wipe the slate clean of all perpetrators, in all the local, county and state elections and any company and use the eyes and ears as ‘Whistle Blowers’. On the Internet ICE has a toll free number to call, if the reader has his suspicions in the workplace using illegal workers.

    The TEA PARTY benefits every person of color, religion and affiliation, as the TEA PARTY is exactly that–a united front against the corruption that is Washington, although the Leftist presses says otherwise and have deceived the public with misinformation and rhetoric. Illegal immigration is not beneficial to this country, but a blight that is choking the welfare system. A financial cost that has drained the treasuries in all 50 states; Entitlements that should be going to our old and frail, our homeless, our disabled soldiers and our low income. Instead unfunded mandates have been applied throughout the nation, which we must cater to every illegal alien who arrives here. There is no real difference between a foreign laborer who smuggles himself and family across our borders, or intentionally stays after his visa has expired. All under the law must be pandered to, which was not in the text of the Constitution.

    We must amend the citizenship law, which manifests itself of women who arrive here pregnant, whose infant born here becomes a U.S. citizen. The only way to stop this financial absurdity is that women who enter hospital prove that either parent is a citizen of this country? Despite numerous media reports, the U.S. Supreme Court has never ruled on whether or not children born to illegal-alien parents, or to parents visiting the United States with temporary visas, crossed into America illegally are entitled to birthright citizenship? This will save a portion of the rising cost of over a $113 Billion dollars annually, that the states and central government is accountable. By the Congress just enacting E-Verify (H.R. 2885) – Chairman Lamar Smith’s ‘Legal Workforce Act’ and the Birthright Citizenship Act of 2011 (H.R.140).

    Many seemingly endless problems could also fade in the coming years is that we must have a national deterrent against both ID theft and voter fraud. Many US states are trying to provide a safeguard for citizens in the voting process. But President Obama and his henchman are using the power of the Justice Department to contain any new laws? Having a national identification card in ones possession would be unique in stopping theft of personal ID, for nefarious reasons and also the ability to vote. It could be used as proof of who you are, for welfare and food stamps, section 8 housing and receiving a driver’s license and insurance. The usual groups of suspects have rained down on this including the communist founded ACLU and people who are here illegally. In the long run hundreds of billions of dollars would be saved; from ID fraud, caused by our government to intercede. An alternative, but just as practical would be that for every election on all levels of government is a requirement that proof of citizenship is essential for voting. This isn’t the case now and blue states as California, Nevada with large populations of illegal aliens would be turned away from registering to vote. If you really think voter fraud doesn’t exist, just type in this text to any ‘Search Engine’ specifically now with this history making presidential race? In fact type in any keyword that you desire, such as ID theft, illegal alien welfare costs, Chain Migration, Comprehensive Immigration Reform, Amnesty, Sanctuary City, Birthright Citizenship, to name just a few things in Google or Yahoo and you will be physically sick of the cover-ups the Left and Democrats keep out of the public eye. As yet Obama, Senator Harry Reid and the majority of politicians haven’t yet tried to the freedom of the Internet?

    ID theft is no different as thousands of ordinary Americans are subject to criminals activities every day, including illegal aliens who need documents to even exist? Foreigners are perpetrating these thefts so they can get a job, welfare and other public programs. Congress has done literary nothing, and the Social Security agency still provide a easy counterfeit number, that can be provided in any sleazy back alley for $50.00. Americans are confronted with huge problems in straightening out compromised credit with the banks, the IRS, when somebody has stolen their income tax rebate. So much is at stake and can last for years of irate arguments with credit card companies. Even illegal alien criminals could not resist stealing money from the taxpayer’s purse, by fraudulently using ITIN numbers (provided by the IRS) and collecting child and adult credits fraudulently. Our incompetent government for decades has provided easy avenues for criminals and illegal foreign nationals to steal from the U.S. taxpayer. Fortunately the voter can do something about it by calling their Senator or House Representative in Washington and demand change. Under Obama his potential next term will see an open border and easy access to America for even more immigrants, further complicating our energy policies, straining even further our health care system and welfare programs, overwhelmed public schools and the loss of open lands for housing developments.

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