Scripps Aids Print Journalists With Broadcast Media Transition


The E.W. Scripps Company is partnering with one of the “GAFAN” giants for a multi-year initiative to transition experienced journalists from print news organizations into broadcast news careers.

It’s a novel plan, and it sees Google making the commitment to Scripps to underwrite the newly created Scripps Journalism Journey Initiative.

Journalists selected for participation in the Initiative will be hired into full-time career positions in Scripps local and national media newsrooms. The program provides mid-career transitions into video-driven storytelling through extensive training and support, including mentoring, job shadowing, hands-on work and individual coaching.

Additional learning opportunities may include professional conferences, programs through the Google News Initiative, Poynter, journalism school programs, National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) or Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ).

Positions may include beat/specialty reporter, specialty executive producer, photojournalist, editor/manager, documentary producer and copy editor.

Applications for the Scripps Journalism Journey Initiative are expected to be available in early summer.

“Scripps and Google are making an investment in maintaining a high-quality journalism ecosystem,” said Scripps President/CEO Adam Symson. “As a result of Google’s financial support, this program will help us retain talented print journalists in the industry by redeploying their skills and experiences into television and video news, benefitting Scripps audiences and communities across the nation.”

David Brooks, director of Global News Partnerships at Google, commented, “This is a great opportunity to support mid-career journalists looking for new challenges or a new direction to reignite the passion that drove them into journalism in the first place. Alongside Scripps, we value the importance of quality, credible content being available to news consumers.”

Anyone interested can go to and request to be notified when applications are live. Scripps is currently hiring a director, a senior talent acquisition partner and a learning and development specialist for the program, which is expected to launch in Q4.