“Nielsen Online Brand Effect” comes to the U.K.


NielsenThe latest in Nielsen’s ongoing commitment to deliver end-to-end, cross-platform advertising measurement solutions worldwide: It’s a measurement and optimization solution which allows advertisers, agencies and publishers to evaluate the resonance of their online campaigns with audiences in real time. The system uses classic ‘brand lift’ metrics – improvements in awareness, attitude, favorability, purchase intent, or preference – to quantify the resonance of branded ads.

It also identifies which attributes of an ad are driving performance, including creative execution, site delivery and impact of frequency of exposure.  This is all done in real time, giving stakeholders the chance to optimize and make changes in flight to increase campaign performance.

The launch follows the company’s acquisition in July of Vizu, a market leader in real-time brand-impact-and-optimization measurement online. Vizu’s ad effectiveness solution has been combined with other Nielsen capabilities to form the basis of the new offering. Nielsen Online Brand Effect is also available in the US and Australia.  In the US, publishers using the system’s unique collaborative optimization process with advertisers and agencies have generated on average 30% higher ‘brand lift’ for their sites.

“Ideally, brand advertisers would never spend a dollar on advertising they don’t measure and optimize,” explains Nielsen European lead for advertising solutions Claudia Pardo.  “Now, Nielsen Online Brand Effect gives the industry the tools to measure and optimize many more online advertising campaigns than previously feasible.  The underlying technology ensures the solution is easy to deploy and manage, making it cost-effective enough to be used on the majority of campaigns. Measuring an ad’s impact once the campaign is over is too late.  To gain the greatest benefit, advertisers, their agencies and online publishers need to understand the reach and resonance of their ads at each and every step of the campaign – they can then adjust the plan while there’s still time to make a real difference.  The boost to brand lift can be significant.”

This rollout complements the October UK launch of Nielsen Online Campaign Ratings, which measures the ability of online ad campaigns to reach their intended audiences.