Nashville Talk Host Phil Valentine Dies of COVID-19 Virus


Phil Valentine, the conservative Talk radio host who tested positive for the COVID-19 virus and became seriously ill, has died.

Valentine, who initially spoke out against the use of vaccines to combat the coronavirus, was a key air personality at Cumulus Media-owned WWTN-FM 99.7 in Nashville. He hosted the 3pm-7pm CT program.

WWTN confirmed Valentine’s passing in the 6pm Central hour on Saturday (8/21). He was 61 years old.

“We are saddened to report that our host and friend Phil Valentine has passed away,” the station posted on Twitter. “Please keep the Valentine family in your thoughts and prayers.”

Valentine had been hospitalized for more than a month while battling COVID-19. His family in late July revealed that he was in “very serious” condition and suffering from “COVID pneumonia” along with other side effects. His condition had worsened and was “grave” as of last week.

Valentine’s brother, Mark, spoke with several WWTN hosts on Saturday, confirming Phil’s passing in the early afternoon hours.

Initially, Valentine believed that he had recovered from the virus. “I think I’m on the other side of it,” Valentine said of the virus, as he described coughing, congestion, and fatigue that “hurts like crap. I’m certainly moving forward, it appears, but not in a straight line… It’s just one of those things. I don’t want it to linger on.”

Prior to falling in, Valentine took to his show to not only express his concerns over the safety of the approved COVID-19 vaccines, but also with mask mandates.

Among those expressing their condolences is former House Energy & Commerce Committee Chairman and current Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn). In a statement, she said, “Phil Valentine was a visionary for the conservative movement. He made an enormous impact on the lives of many Tennesseans as an esteemed radio host, actor, and author. It was a privilege to know Phil, and I know his legacy will endure. My deepest condolences and prayers are with Phil’s wife, Susan, and his family. May they be comforted and surrounded by love during this difficult time.”