A Trio Of Big New Brand Efforts At Spot Radio


The latest Media Monitors’ Spot Ten Radio report is out, and it shows that a big department store chain is stepping up its “back to school” efforts not only on national TV, but on radio as well.

At the same time, another department store chain is revving up its radio spots in a significant way as a new Verizon campaign heats up with AM/FM activity.

As shown below, Macy’s and Target have invested in a significant number of radio spots, according to Media Monitors.

This activity is among the biggest week-over-week gainers, with respect to play count.

But it is Total by Verizon that’s grabbing the most new spot slots, week-over-week.

The overall leader? It remains Progressive, with a significant play count lead over No. 2 Lowe’s and No. 3 Babbel.