APTS EVP/COO, Lead Attorney To Retire


WASHINGTON, D.C. — The longtime EVP/Chief Operating Officer at America’s Public Television Stations, who also serves as General Counsel for the advocacy group, has announced her retirement. Her last day at APTS is scheduled for September 1.

As such, Lonna Thompson, who has served in various capacities at APTS for 30 years, will become a consultant to the organization, helping member stations convert to the NEXTGEN TV broadcast standard, exploring spectrum-based service and revenue opportunities for public stations and managing a grant program with the California Office of Emergency Services and 11 public television stations serving the Golden State. 

Taking the GC role is Michelle Shanahan, who joins APTS after serving as Deputy General Counsel at NPR.

“America’s public television stations are extremely fortunate to have been served so long and so well by the incomparable Lonna Thompson,” APTS President/CEO Patrick Butler. “Lonna has been an invaluable partner with me in the management of APTS for almost 14 years, and her positive impact on this system since 1994 is beyond measure. Lonna has helped our stations navigate the transition from analog to digital broadcasting, the first-ever auction of broadcast spectrum, the conversion to an exciting new broadcast standard, and countless proceedings before the Federal Communications Commission and other regulatory agencies. And not once but twice, Lonna stepped in to the leadership of APTS, as acting and interim CEO during periods of challenging transitions. Everyone in public television owes Lonna a debt of gratitude we will never be able to fully repay.”

Thompson commented, “It has been a true privilege to work in public media and to stand with public television stations as they educate, enlighten and help save lives in their communities throughout our country. I have been extremely fortunate to have such a fine group of colleagues and friends as my APTS family. I will always be a supporter of public television stations and will always be honored to be counted among their number in their mission of service to all.”

APTS board chair Franz Joachim, General Manager and CEO of New Mexico PBS, also chimed in on Thompson’s retirement. “Her length of service is only surpassed by her depth of service,” he said. “Whether helping individual stations navigate issues with the FCC, build out capacity or pursue new technological innovations, Lonna’s advice and counsel have made differences at every station across the nation. Her focus on helping stations at a granular level has strengthened the system by making each of us stronger. Her steady leadership and wise counsel have been instrumental in creating an organization unparalleled in its commitment. APTS is ready for the next generation of leadership because of the strong example Lonna set and solid foundation Lonna helped build.”