Key House GOP Members To Query NPR Head On Bias


On April 30, RBR+TVBR shared the details about how Sen. Ted Cruz sent a letter to Patricia de Stacy Harrison, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting’s President/CEO, questioning her about “taxpayer-funded” NPR’s reporting.

Cruz believes NPR is heavily biased to liberal viewpoints in its news and content. So do key House E&C Committee Republicans, who wrote to NPR’s CEO seeking answers.

House Energy and Commerce Committee Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-Wash.), Subcommittee on Communications and Technology Chair Bob Latta (R-Ohio), and Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations Chair Morgan Griffith (R-Va.) came together to pen a letter to NPR CEO Katherine Maher regarding reports of political and ideological bias at the taxpayer-funded public radio organization.

In addition to requesting answers to questions, the letter requests Maher appear before the Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee for a hearing on Wednesday, May 8.

“The Committee has concerns about the direction in which NPR may be headed under past and present leadership,” the three House Republicans wrote. “As a taxpayer funded, public radio organization, NPR should focus on fair and objective news reporting that both considers and reflects the views of the larger U.S. population and not just a niche audience.”

McMorris Rodgers, Latta and Griffith also find it “disconcerting” that NPR’s coverage of major news in recent years “has been so polarized as to preclude any need to uncover the truth. These have included news stories on matters of national security and importance, such as the Mueller report, the Hunter Biden laptop, and the COVID-19 origins investigation. On each of these issues, NPR has been accused of approaching its news reporting with an extreme left-leaning lens.”

Speaker of the House Mike Johnson (R-La.) is the one who spearheaded the hearing.

“In light of the recent, disturbing revelations about National Public Radio (NPR) and its leadership, I’ve directed Chair McMorris Rodgers and the Energy and Commerce Committee to conduct an investigation of NPR and determine what actions should be taken to hold the organization accountable for its ideological bias and contempt for facts,” he said. “The American people support the free press but will not be made to fund a left-leaning political agenda with taxpayer funds.”

CLICK HERE to read the letter.