How Is AI Transforming Media’s Financial Ecosystem?


The co-lead in Deloitte Telecom‘s Media and Technology Cognitive Advantage Consulting Practice and a Deloitte Consulting principal have been tapped to serve as keynote speakers for Media Financial Management Association’s Localism Event In New York, scheduled for March 13.

Dennis Ortiz, along with Deloitte Consulting’s Baris Sarer, will be leading the discussion on

Entitled “How Artificial Intelligence is Transforming the Financial Ecosystem” the session will be held at the Deloitte offices at 30 Rockefeller Center, home of NBC, from 8:30am-10:30am.

The objective of this presentation, says MFM, is to provide finance professionals in the media sector an understanding of how artificial intelligence (including robotic and cognitive automation) are disrupting the finance function and challenging service delivery models, talent models, and organizational structure.

The session will address:

  • Advances that are driving the need for artificial intelligence
  • Definitions, practical application, and art of the possible of artificial intelligence, robotic process automation, and cognitive automation to the finance function
  • Discussion of benefits of artificial intelligence
  • Framework to identify use cases for artificial intelligence
  • Case study review of applications artificial intelligence at media companies

MFM’s 2019 Localisms will take place in Washington DC, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Boston, Los Angeles, and New York City.  Events are free to attend, but participants must pre-register.  Events are open to all MFM members as well as those interested in learning more about MFM membership. Additionally, those attending will receive CPE credit.