Full house for the FCC


As expected, Democrat Mignon Clyburn was sworn in as the fifth and final FCC Commissioner at a ceremony in Columbia SC. Senior District Judge Matthew J. Perry Jr. officiated at the installation of the FCC’s first African-American female at the Matthew J. Perry Jr. Courthouse.

Chairman Julius Genachowski was quick to welcome her aboard, saying, “It is a pleasure to welcome Mignon Clyburn to the Federal Communications Commission. Mignon is a dedicated public servant with years of state-level and private-sector experience and it’s an honor to serve alongside such a talented colleague. At this critical moment in history, I look forward to collaborating with my fellow Commissioners on ways that the agency can improve the lives of all Americans through communications.”

Clyburn issued her own statement: “I am deeply honored that President Obama and the United States Senate have entrusted me with the privilege of serving as a Commissioner of the Federal Communications Commission. I look forward to working with the Administration, Congress, Chairman Genachowski, my fellow Commissioners and the incredibly talented FCC staff, to ensure that all Americans enjoy the tremendous benefits offered by modern communications. This is an exciting and challenging time in our nation’s history.  I am eager to hear from and work with all stakeholders to carry out, along with my colleagues, communications policies that protect consumers and encourage robust competition and innovation.”

“It is also the highest honor to have Judge Perry preside over today’s ceremony,” she continued. “As a civil rights pioneer and one of South Carolina’s foremost jurists, Judge Perry has exemplified thoughtfulness, dedication and perseverance. He is an inspiration to all Americans, and I aim to follow his commitment to public service in my new role as Commissioner of the FCC.”

RBR/TVBR observation: Now the fun begins. We’ll be watching to see if Chairman Julius Genachowski is able to move his agenda easily through the 8th Floor, or if he has a maverick on his hands. Our early handicapping: the new Chairman will have two reliable Democratic votes to work with on almost every issue.