That’s the title of an email sent to RBR-TVBR by the content watchdogs at Morality in Media. The email was quite informative. Did you know that the FCC wants f-bombs, s-bombs and nudity to be broadcast into your living room on television programs that your children are watching? That is MIM’s deceitful message.
Here is MIM’s message: “The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is responsible for enforcing indecency regulations on broadcast TV. Currently profanity, nudity, obscenity, etc are not allowed on the public airways, however the [sic] if they move forward with their proposals, the f-word, s-word and female frontal nudity will be allowed on broadcast TV, even during hours when kids are surely watching.”
The email then instructs people thus alarmed how to file a comment on the matter with the FCC. To MIM’s credit, at least it doesn’t provide a pre-written message.
But anybody who is not following this issue and happens to read MIM’s message will no doubt be quite alarmed that the FCC is going to make our television sets the equivalent of a magazine rack where the periodicals are placed in plain brown wrappers lest they be visible to tiny tots.
RBR-TVBR observation: It is unfortunate that the FCC cannot simply toss messages received from the uninformed who buy into this claptrap.
The fact of the matter is that the FCC lost its indecency case at the circuit court level, and at the Supreme Court level it came very close to losing. While its authority to police indecent content was affirmed, it was just as clearly sent back to the drawing board to craft indecency rules that broadcasters have half a chance of understanding and complying with.
The FCC is not trying to turn broadcast television into the smut capital of the world – it is trying to clarify the rules so broadcasters faced with doing the time can at least understand the crime.
The repeated attacks insinuating that the FCC somehow has embarked on this proceeding with sinister intentions is false, shameful, and actually calls into question the motives and morality of the organizations using such scare tactics.
One final note: This particular message mentions that the FCC is trying to bring us televised frontal nudity, but it singles out female nudity. Does that mean male frontal nudity is OK? Just wondering.
It’s almost as if the groups like the Morality in Media and the Parents Television Council want Pacifica v. FCC overturned with their actions regarding the FCC’s request for input on the “indecency” rules.
And the motives and morality of those groups has been in question since Vince McMahon sued the PTC and got a settlement of $3.5 million and a public apology from founder Brent Bozell.
In doing a search for comments on this matter on the FCC website, you will find tens of thousands of “cut-and-paste” duplicates of the messages that these people have advised their followers to send. Most appear to have come from about five or six sources. You can paste parts of the comments in to a Google Search, and find the sources in many cases.
If you look at comments on other FCC matters, you will also find the same “dittos” on those, as many cannot even find the proper place to put their comments.
One I read this morning (placed under an entirely different matter) stated that “ALL broadcast channels, including DISNEY, will contain nudity and obscenity”.
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